Velocity Fast Drying EZ Spray Traffic Paint - 5 Gal Yellow
SealMaster Velocity Traffic Paint is a fast drying acrylic water base paint formulated with advanced E-Z spray technology. Designed for striping exterior and interior asphalt and concrete surfaces. Surface must be clean and dry prior to application. New asphalt should cure sufficiently to be free of light oils on the surface. Allow freshly sealed pavement surfaces to cure for at least 24 hours under ideal weather conditions (70°F, low humidity). Concrete surfaces should be acid etched and flushed with water prior to application.
INSTALLATION: Asphalt and concrete pavement surfaces shall be clean and free from all loose materials and dirt. New asphalt surfaces should cure sufficiently to be free of light oils on the surface (4 weeks). Allow freshly applied pavement sealer to cure for at least 24 hours prior to applying traffic paint.
METHODS: Apply SealMaster Velocity Traffic Paint with spray equipment (with stainless steel components) roller, or brush.
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